Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Avoid Hurtful Sex

Lovemaking session is supposed to feel good! But sometimes our bodies just do not cooperate with our primal urges and it can be more of a pain than a pleasure. Many women suffer in silence after a cancer diagnosis and their support team might discount lovemaking session as insignificant when compared to the complex challenges of treatment and recovery. But sex, however you define it, is significant. For numerous people, intimacy, affection, and pleasure are fundamental to the quality of life.

Women diagnosed with breast or gynecological cancer might find sex painful for a number of reasons which are mentioned below:

Lack of Lubrication
Friction is an inherent part of lovemaking session, but without any sort of adequate lubrication, it can be uncomfortable and even painful to make love. Cancer treatment, like medication, radiation and surgical removal of the ovaries can inhibit the natural lubrication of body by lowering estrogen production.

Thinning of Vaginal Walls
This too might result from chemotherapy and several treatment medicines that might lower estrogen production.

Tender and Inflamed Vagina
Radiation therapy leads to the damaging of healthy tissue leads to irritation and the development of scar tissue, might resist stretching during penetration.

This sensation of tingling or numbness in areas of the body (non-genital) is a result of cancer treatment.

Muscle Tension
The stress of treatment, medical exams, and the recovery process might result in tension throughout the body and spasm of pelvic muscles. Such muscles that are surrounded by the vagina and chronic tension can make penetration uncomfortable or seriously painful.

Reduced Sexual Response
Some cancer treatments are the full or partial removal of sexual organs which include the ovaries, clitoris, labia, rectum, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes and/or vagina. Though reconstruction is an option, women report lower of sensitivity and difficulty in arousal and orgasm process.

Even if these challenges are overcome, penile failure issue can be treated only with medicine like Fildena Professional. This sensational sublingual medicine helps impotent man to attain and sustain a stiffer penile erection for longer time. The medicine Fildena Professional works by allowing an impotent man to attain and maintain stiffer penile for longer lovemaking session.

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